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Welcome Digital Photography School Readers

As a special gift for readers of the Digital Photography School web site I offer you a FREE ebook!

FREE Ebook 10 Photography Challenges

In my teaching and private tutoring one of the things I preach to my students constantly is that in order to improve you have to get out and do some actual photography! The best way to learn anything and advance faster is to do it more often. Think about learning a language, if you immerse yourself in a country that speaks the language you will learn much faster. The same is true of photography, or anything for that matter.

Practice, practice, practice!

So I’ve created these exercises to get your creative juices flowing.  You can get out and photograph in your own city, or even your own home.  Pushing your boundaries and challenging yourself to think differently, look at things differently, and go where you haven’t gone before will help you be a better photographer.

Get Free Instant Access to:
“Ten Photography Challenges to help you take better pictures – without buying any new gear”
when you sign up

I take your privacy very seriously

What you get when you sign up

  • a FIVE week email series to get you started with the challenges in the FREE ebook
  • the FREE ebook 10 Photography Challenges to help you take better pictures
  • weekly email notices of new photography articles, how to’s, tips and tricks, interviews and reviews
  • a monthly newsletter with a secret tip just for you that’s not on the web site
  • links to more bonus free stuff once you get the first email
  • information travel photography tours and workshops as they are updated and coming up soon

What people are saying about the 10 Challenges Ebook

The fact that this book was free of charge helped me to appreciate better your work as a photographer, as a photography instructor, and understand better your passion for photography. This work helped me to improve both in my photographic abilities, and in the artistic value of all around us. Thank you very much for your (this) contribution to photography, and for helping others to improve without thinking about financial gain from it. ATTN WHOEVER IS READING THIS POST: IF YOU ARE A PHOTOGRAPHER AND ARE THINKING OF READING IT, THIS BOOK IS WORTH ITS WEIGHT IN GOLD. – Noel Formosa

I was thrilled to download your e-book and to be so encouraged with the challenges you put before us in the book. I am impressed with how much information you give away and inspired by that. I am a beginner to photography, and the projects are very helpful. I am not naturally creative in this area and so your info has been helping me “look and see”.  – Catherine

A couple of weeks ago, I subscribed to your newsletter and I must say … the tips are just great. Thanks for all the work you’ve put into this. I’ve put in a link to my photos on flickr. If you have the time and are willing to take a look at them … any comments/suggestions are welcome. Thanks. – Regards Philip

Read more comments on the book here.

Darlene Headshot May 2013

My promises to you

  • I answer every email personally, and reply to every comment on the web site (it may take me a few days if I’m away from my office but I’ll answer!)
  • when you share your images with me for review and comment, I will do so in a constructive, supportive, and encouraging manner – but I WILL look at them
  • that I am here to help answer any questions you have about the content in the ebook, or on the web site so that you can take better photos!
  • More about me here

Get Free Instant Access to:
“Ten Photography Challenges to help you take better pictures – without buying any new gear”
when you sign up for updates

I take your privacy very seriously

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