Contact Her View Photography

Thank you for taking the time to contact me. I look forward to speaking with you about booking a tutoring session or seeing you in one of my photography workshops. Please use the form below and give me as much information as you can about your query, and I will respond as soon as possible.
We Moved!
After many years her on Her View Photography, publishing article on photography, I’ve moved over to a new domain at Digital Photo Mentor. I’m keeping this site more for local photography workshops in and around Edmonton.
All our articles are all over in their nice new home at Digital Photo Mentor. I recommend you start here where you can sign up for photography article updates and our monthly newsletter. You’ll get the free eBook “10 Challenges to help improve your photography” when you sign up.
Look for the big orange box on the site.
I invite you to also follow, friend or like on the various social media platforms below. I answer all of them so use your favourite to get in touch. Look forward to seeing you in the virtual world and hopefully in person soon as well.
If you would like to contact me, please use the contact form on the new Digital Photo Mentor site.