Night Photography Field Trip – student images

I teach a Night Photography workshop through McBain Camera and my students and I decided it would be fun to go out and do a field trip to apply what we’ve learned in the classroom.    Here are some of the images created by my students that night.  We practically got eaten alive by mosquitos and I think they learned a lot and we certainly had a lot of fun!

If you want to learn how to create images like this – come take my Night Workshop, and we’ll plan the next outing!

Images by Brenda Boychuk

Night photography field trip - student image by Brenda Boychuk

Night photography field trip - student image by Brenda Boychuk

Night photography field trip - student image by Brenda Boychuk

Images by Kylie Boychuk

Night photography field trip - student image by Kylie Boychuk

Night photography field trip - student image by Kylie Boychuk

Night photography field trip - student image by Kylie Boychuk

Images by Ross Eagles

Night photography field trip - student image by Ross Eagles

Night photography field trip - student image by Ross Eagles

Night photography field trip - student image by Ross Eagles

Images by Dawn Sulyma

Night photography field trip - student image by Dawn Sulyma

Night photography field trip - student image by Dawn Sulyma

Night photography field trip - student image by Dawn Sulyma

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About Your Tutor

photography tutor in Edmonton

Born and raised in Edmonton, Darlene has had formal training in photography at the Northern Alberta Institute of Technology. She enjoys portraits, fine art, and travel photography. She is a seasoned traveler having spent time in Mexico, Singapore, Malaysia, Peru, Thailand, New Zealand, Nicaragua, Cuba and Australia. Darlene loves exotic locales, exotic food and experiencing different countries directly through the local people and the cultural arts. Her vision is to share her artistic talents through teaching “the art of seeing”, and to spread love and tolerance through the experience of truly connecting with and understanding people of different cultures.