Happy Holidays!

All this best this holiday season! Some festive images for you to enjoy and a message for you to consider. Pass it along!

Christmas Specials and Gift Certificates available!

photography lessons in Edmonton

With the Christmas season upon us, it’s time to think about gift giving. But what to you get the photography enthusiast in your life that already has all the tools, gadgets and toys? Here are some special sale prices on products I personally recommend to help you with your Christmas shopping.

Wallpaper October 2012 – Cape Cod Lighthouse

Lighthouse image from Cape Cod for October 2012 desktop wallpaper. Download the right size for your screen and enjoy!

Summer Photo Contest Winners!

Summer photo contest prize winners announced! Introducing private online tutoring and Lightrooom classes coming soon.

Wallpaper September 2012 – Barcelona, Spain

Wallpaper for September 2012 – Barcelona, Spain The September 2012 desktop wallpaper is now available for download in the top three most popular screen resolution sizes and proportions.  Please select the one closest to your screen size and proportions for the best fit (for 1280×800 use the 1440×900 one and for 1366×768 use the 2560×900 – […]

Top 10 Reasons to Attend a Photo Walk

I’ve talked about photo walks before and if you’re a regular reader, you may have already figured out that I’m a big fan of them!  But you may still have some reservations or questions about why you’d want to attend, or maybe even lead one.  Hopefully this Top Ten list will clear up some of […]


About Your Tutor

photography tutor in Edmonton

Born and raised in Edmonton, Darlene has had formal training in photography at the Northern Alberta Institute of Technology. She enjoys portraits, fine art, and travel photography. She is a seasoned traveler having spent time in Mexico, Singapore, Malaysia, Peru, Thailand, New Zealand, Nicaragua, Cuba and Australia. Darlene loves exotic locales, exotic food and experiencing different countries directly through the local people and the cultural arts. Her vision is to share her artistic talents through teaching “the art of seeing”, and to spread love and tolerance through the experience of truly connecting with and understanding people of different cultures.