Welcome Martin Bailey Photography fans!

As a special gift for readers and fans of the Martin Bailey Photography web site I offer you a FREE ebook! FREE Ebook 10 Photography Challenges In my teaching and private tutoring one of the things I preach to my students constantly is that in order to improve you have to get out and do […]

Wallpaper August 2012 – Besalú, Spain

August 2012 desktop wallpaper – image of Besalu, Spain

Weekend Photography Workshop in Drumheller Alberta

Photography workshop on location in southern Alberta in the Drumheller area. Includes live photo sessions with a model, night photography in a ghost town, and more. For beginners to intermediate level photographers with an SLR or Four Thirds (mirrorless) camera.

Welcome Digital Photography School Readers

Welcome Digital Photography School readers! Sign up for my newsletter and updates and get the free book, Ten Photography Challenges to help you take better pictures without buying new gear.

Travel Photography Workshop

This Travel Photography Class is for the beginner to intermediate, hobbyist photographer who while on vacation wants to take better travel photos. Some of the lessons taught involve what lenses to bring, how to save and backup digital images while traveling, how to look for and recognize good lighting, how to approach people on the street in foreign countries, composition, shooting around your subject and how to scout out a location to get the best shot you can. This travel photography class will help you make the most of your time away so that you get the best pictures you can.

ESO Symphony Under the Sky – Part three

We’re back again for the second half of the symphony. I’m down to 52% battery power and hoping it holds out until the end. This piece is very jazzy, me likey! Now we have the pleasure of hearing the premiere performance of a composition by a young man in high school here in Edmonton. He […]


About Your Tutor

photography tutor in Edmonton

Born and raised in Edmonton, Darlene has had formal training in photography at the Northern Alberta Institute of Technology. She enjoys portraits, fine art, and travel photography. She is a seasoned traveler having spent time in Mexico, Singapore, Malaysia, Peru, Thailand, New Zealand, Nicaragua, Cuba and Australia. Darlene loves exotic locales, exotic food and experiencing different countries directly through the local people and the cultural arts. Her vision is to share her artistic talents through teaching “the art of seeing”, and to spread love and tolerance through the experience of truly connecting with and understanding people of different cultures.